The Ultimate Confidence Program to Unleash Your Authenticity, Reclaim Your Unapologetic Feminine Energy, Find Your Voice and 5X Your Self Worth (+ Net Worth).

Does this sound like you?

🚀  You *know* you are POWERFUL AS F*CK, but you're playing small cause imposter syndrome and the fear of "being too much" has you hiding from being your authentic self

🚀  You have BIG ASS dreams, but insecurity, perfectionism or procrastination holds you back from going ALL IN on your life + business dreams

🚀  You know the importance of PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST but you still find yourself thinking about others 24/7 and not prioritizing your needs

🚀  You want to be able to TRUST YOURSELF in life, business and relationships, but you struggle to feel confident in your decisions

🚀  You want to put yourself out there, feel BEAUTIFUL and be connected to your FEMININE ESSENCE, but you can't help but doubt yourself

🚀  You want to feel empowered asking for MORE MONEY, but you feel guilty for receiving and second guess yourself and the value you provide

Does this sound like you?

🚀  You *know* you are POWERFUL AS F*CK, but you're playing small cause imposter syndrome and the fear of "being too much" has you hiding from being your authentic self

🚀  You have BIG ASS dreams, but self doubt, perfectionism or procrastination holds you back from going ALL IN on your life and business

🚀  You know the importance of PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST but you still find yourself thinking about others 24/7 and not prioritizing your needs

🚀  You want to be able to TRUST YOURSELF in life, business and relationships, but you struggle to feel confident in your decisions

🚀  You want to feel BEAUTIFUL and connected to your FEMININE ESSENCE, but when you look in the mirror you can't help but focus on what you don't like about yourself

🚀  You want to feel empowered asking for MORE MONEY, but you feel guilty for receiving and second guess yourself and the value you provide

Are you ready to OWN your WORTH and start showing up AUTHENTICALLY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY as yourself so you can have your dream life, relationship and business?!


Unstoppable University has all the tools you will ever need to achieve your potential and become an irresistibly confident woman in life, love and business.

There's 3 things I hear quite often in my DMs and in real life:

"I love your energy"

"You're so magnetic"

"You're such a vibe"

When I was reflecting on my life, it's been my *confidence* that's been fully responsible for me getting everything I've ever wanted.

I asked out a sexy man I met at an axe-throwing bar, who, 18 months later, proposed to me.

I reached out to a few cool people on Instagram and told them I thought we'd be friends IRL and now they are some of my best friends in the whole world.

I left my 9-5 without a real plan and decided to figure it out because I couldn't handle the BS anymore and now I own a 6 figure coaching business.

Now I want to show you how SIMPLE it can be to put yourself first, not give a f*ck what people think and fearlessly go after whatever it is that you want.

Imagine what it will feel like when....

  • you are fully standing in your power, unapologetically, without giving a f*ck what people think
  • you're speaking your truth without fear, using your voice and taking up space 
  • you are sure of yourself and what you want to create
  • you're standing up for what you believe in and living in alignment with your values
  • you're owning who you are and challenging yourself on the daily to express yourself
  • you're showing up courageously even in difficult times, with a deep inner self belief knowing that YOU can do and handle hard sh*t
  • you are boldly expressing yourself with zero fucks given
  • you stop accepting less than your worth
  • you are focused on the greater vision for your life
  • you are determined to make your dreams a reality and you aren't allowing yourself to be mediocre
  • you are committed to finding your purpose and tapping into your magic
  • you know that you can manifest whatever you want and you feel abundance running through your veins

Are you ready for an upgrade?

I'm Ready.


Let me give you the tools and frameworks that have transformed the lives of over 1,000+ women.

I'm ready to be unstoppable!

What Women Are Saying About Unstoppable University:

Ready to feel this good?

I'm ready.

Inside the Program You Will Receive:

  • 20+ video trainings from Sam inside your own online portal so you can binge watch them like Netflix or take them on your walks (basically it's church for confidence) on topics like:

    • Managing Your Mind
    • Finding Your Voice
    • Your Ego + Alter Ego
    • Boundaries, B*tch 
    • Slay Your Self Love + Self-Worth
    • Being a Lover, Not a Mother
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Feminine Archetypes
    • Tons More
  • Unstoppable University workbook with journal prompts & action items for self reflection and self accountability
  • Unstoppable University Playlist for feeling like a f*cking badass
  • Supportive group chat with Sam and your fellow 2022 Class for questions, feedback & celebrations
  • Lifetime access to the content, so when you're having an off day, you can get inspired

  • Upgrade to VIP and receive two 1:1 calls with Sam to go deeper on any blocks that are coming up for you

I'm ready to be unstoppable!

What Women Are Saying About Unstoppable University:


  • 30+ video trainings inside your own online portal [value $9,999]

  •  Unstoppable University workbook full of journal prompts & action items for self reflection and self accountability [value $2,999]

  • Unstoppable University Playlist for feeling like a f*cking badass [value: priceless]

  • Private invite to our exclusive group chat with Sam and your fellow UU Queens for direct feedback, questions & celebrations [value: $999]

  • 30+ Hours of Bonus Content from Sam and Guest Experts on topics like Manifestation, Human Design, Wealth, Sexual Liberation and Healing Your Nervous System [value: $9,999] 

  • Mobile App to learn on the go, on your walks and your adventures [value: priceless]



When you add it all up, it comes to a value of $23,996.







3 X $599



This Could Be You:


"I'm feeling absolutely so liberated, free, refreshed and so looking forward to the future. Working with Sam has been life changing from the very first call. I never knew how unfulfilled my life was until we worked together. I'm making big moves and I've never felt happier in my life. 🔥🔥🔥"

- Tasha B.


"1 session with Sam was more successful than years of therapy 🤯🤯🤯 I was reflecting on how far I've come and I am jumping with joy. I feel fucking good. Holy shit. I am not the same person as I was 6 weeks ago."

- Malia M.


"I was dead and depressed in pain, grief and hopelessness. I needed help getting out of that pit. I got out!!!! My future is beginning to unfold before my eyes and I'm inspired again. I am living in joy and grateful. I'm so grateful for life and you."

- Vicki C.


"I loved working with Sam. I have never felt this confident in myself or loved myself this much. Sam brings so much positive energy to every call and is always there for you. She supports you through your journey and only wants you to be successful and be your highest most authentic self."

- Katie M.


Wow, I was in so much fear before I started. I’m not beating myself up anymore or shaming myself. I feel so clear and focused on the direction I’m heading. And I’m finally getting comfortable calling myself a leader. My confidence is growing daily and I’ve 10xed it working with you!!

My biggest shift is my willingness to speak up and share my opinion unapologetically as a woman in the room with 90% men. I found the root of my anxiety and I now know how to let it go when it shows up. If you’re on the fence of joining, DO IT SCARED. That on the fence feeling is just unsureness of yourself. TRUST YOURSELF. you got this!!!

- Jasmine D.


"Working with you has helped me step into this new territory of coaching and it has been so amazing!!! Honestly hiring you was the best thing I've done for myself in years!! I think back to when I was very hesitant to join, but I'm so glad I said yes!"

- Laurel M


This experience been life-changing. I came to Sam because I wanted to get consistent and hated my body. And that was the surface of what ended up happening. Omg so much has changed. I have so many tools to know that I can get through things in life without pills, alcohol and substances. I believe in myself. I can work through hard shit. I don’t need to rely on outside stuff, I have the answers. Thank you for believing in me when I didn’t. You have an amazing gift. This is 100% your calling. You better be doing this for the rest of your life.”

- Kat B


“I really can’t believe how much I’ve changed in such a short amount of time! My overall confidence is through the roof!! You helped me find my voice and speak up for myself. I feel confident asking for exactly what I want and I'm not afraid to go out and find it. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest and I can breathe again. It’s so amazing. I want everyone to feel like this! Seriously, I am so grateful for everything, Sam.”

- Rachel F.

I'm ready to feel like this.

"The most alluring thing a woman can be is herself."

Meet Sam, Your Coach

I know a thing or two about transformation...

After overcoming a life full of trauma, physical abuse, sexual shame, emotional neglect, an eating disorder, body image struggles and rejection - I found myself drowning in depression, pain & sadness, trying to numb-out of life. These experiences eventually led me to working on myself, where I chose to go down the path of personal growth & healing. My body changed. My mind changed. My spirit changed. My entire life did a 180 and I promised myself that I would empower other women to do the same. Now I'm a Confidence & Life Coach who’s obsessed with reminding women all over the world of how incredibly fucking powerful and deserving they are of everything they've ever wanted.

I'm here to get you out of your comfort zone.

I'm here to help you stop settling for less than you're worth.

I'm here to empower you to stop giving a flying fuck what others think.

And to hype you the F up to stand in your power, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, and own who you are.

Are you ready to take a journey with me, Queen!?

This program is for you if....

  • you are stuck, burnt out and unfulfilled with where you're at
  • your lack of confidence is holding you back in your business, friendships, social situations, sex life and relationship
  • you are unclear on your purpose or unhappy in your business
  • you are scared to speak your truth cau, own your truth and go after what you want
  • you're living in your head and experience anxiety a lot
  • things like perfectionism and procrastination or fear of failure affect your everyday life
  • you say yes when you really mean no or struggle to set boundaries because you feel bad
  • you want more for yourself, but you are too afraid to really voice it and go after it
  • you have trust issues and second guess yourself
  • you feel like you are “too much” so you dilute yourself to make others more comfortable
  • you can't remember a day where you weren't stressed the f*ck out and exhausted from going 24/7.
  • you aren't consistent with self care or taking rest
  • you suppress your feelings and try to rationalize them
  • you are struggling with your body image and self love

Does this sound like you?

I'm ready to break free!

PS: You are sooooo ready for this...

I want you to take a sec to picture where you want to be 3 to 5 years from now...

Now let me ask you this: 

Do you honestly believe that if you keep doing things exactly the same as you are right now, that you'd end up where you want to be?...

The answer is no.

The only way to get a different result is to do things differently.